Showing posts with label Pocket pc. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pocket pc. Show all posts

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Clean-RAM v2.50- The Missing Piece of Windows Mobile!

The new product clean-RAM is an Amazing utility which helps the user to clean up the wasted/unused RAM memory without having to restart or reboot the device and eventually saves a lot of time. A number of times you come across the problem that your system memory is very low while using windows mobile. Hence this utility provides you the solution to that problem and now you can clean unused or wasted memory within a few seconds.

cleanRAM is a memory reclaimer similar to Oxios but with advanced, detailed and more in-depth settings and it actually works! indeed is a great solution for the Windows Mobile memory leak problem.


    ■ Settings:
      ○ Define all cleanRAM behavior. ○ GUI/Shell Selector. ○ Hibernate for old devices. ○ Close all applications - force closing all applications. ○ Launch startup programs after cleaning ended. ○ Clear recent start menu items. ○ And more...

Download Link:              CLEANRAM V.2.50

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